SSPTMS, Inc. provides two different types of safety personnel – Flaggers and Pedestrian Traffic Managers (PTM).
Flaggers perform a crucial role in traffic, as they manage the flow of vehicles around construction sites, busy intersections, and complex traffic set-ups.
PTMs are skilled experts in pedestrian safety, traffic management and flow. They focus on pedestrian safety, while also directing traffic in an efficient and safe manner. You can find our PTMs at busy intersections, as well as large-scale events, school crossings, parking lots, warehouse, distribution centers, and stadiums/ arenas.

SSPTMS, Inc. prides itself on providing high-quality safety personnel, which often means having our
field staff obtain the certifications that are appropriate to their position or project they are assigned to. In having these, our clients can rest assured the staff provided to them have knowledge and that is verified by experts in the field.
These certifications include:
Flagger certification
OSHA 10 hour training course
OSHA 30 hour training course
SST (Site Safety Training course) 10 hour
ATSSA Flagger Trainer & Road Safety Supervisor Certification
All SSPTMS safety personnel, are outfitted with high-visibility vest/jacket, dark colored pants, collared shirt, black shoes, in addition to radios, and lit traffic wands. Flaggers are also equipped with yellow hard hats and Stop/ Slow paddles.
All SSPTMS, Inc. supervisors have extensive knowledge of traffic management and are intimately familiar with the many factors that help guarantee pedestrian safety. They are certified by ATSSA as flaggers and have completed the approved Pedestrian Traffic Manager course.
If you have an interest or need for our traffic management services, either for your busy area or upcoming event or something else, please fill out this initial inquiry form so we can discuss solutions.